Acne is one of the most common conditions faced by almost everyone in this generation. Increased pollution, lifestyle changes, and modifications in the diet are all of these factors combined increasing the chance of acne. Acne can be extremely irritating both for the skin and your personality. It can significantly impact the confidence of the person, and when left untreated these acne leaves scars behind. These scars can be very challenging to deal with as they impact one’s personality. To prevent acne scar, it’s recommended to consult a professional dermatologist as soon as acne appears. Early intervention can help manage acne effectively and prevent it from leaving lasting marks on the skin. In this blog, we will discuss how to identify different types of acne scars and explore effective solutions to reduce scarring and promote clearer skin.

What are acne scars? 

Acne and acne scars are entirely different, acne scars are triggered by acne lesions. They occur due to the improper production of collagen, when the skin repairs itself after an acne lesion.

  • Picking or squeezing the acne lesions allow the breakouts to penetrate into the skin leaving a scar.

To identify your acne scar type, you need to understand various types of acne scars and their characteristics.

Various types of acne scars

Ice pick scars: Deep and narrow scars that often resemble micro holes or punctures.

  • Small
  • Deep
  • Narrow
  • Puncture-like

Boxcar scars: These are broader than ice pick scars, the depressions are sharp with defined edges.

  • Broad
  • Shallow to deep
  • Defined edges
  • Angular shape

Rolling scars: Can be characterized by its wave-like depressions on the skin surface.

  • Wavy
  • Uneven texture
  • Shallow to medium depth
  • Smooth edges

Hypertrophic and keloid scars: These are raised and extend above the surface of the skin most commonly seen on chest, back, and shoulder areas.

  • Raised
  • Firm
  • Confined to original lesion area
  • Thick texture

Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation: Left behind dark spots on the skin after an acne lesion heals leading to discolouration.

  • Dark spots
  • Flat
  • Red, brown, or purple color
  • Temporary discoloration

How to identify the scar types?

Now that you have understood various scar types and their characteristics. Begin by evaluating the scars.

  • Take a mirror, stand under bright light where you can clearly see the skin in detail. Now check each acne lesion, observe its size, depth and shape.
  • Based on the above mentioned characteristics categorize them into the respective category.
  • Also consider the location of the scars as rolling and boxcar scars are most commonly observed on the cheeks and the hypertrophic scars appear on the chest and the back.
  • If you have severe scarring at multiple locations or mixed scars, consult a dermatologist for more accurate diagnosis and reliable treatment solutions.

Treatment options based on the type of scar

Ice pick scars

  • Punch excision, surgical process that involves removal and suturing.
  • TCA cross, topical solutions that improve collagen production.
  • Microneedling, puncturing the skin to stimulate collagen production.

Boxcar scars

  • Dermal fillers, injections to even out the skin texture.
  • Fractional laser therapy stimulates collagen by resurfacing.
  • Microneedling, puncturing to promote collagen and smooth the skin texture.

Rolling scars

  • Subscision, puncturing to break the fibrous bands that cause rolling effect.
  • Microneedling, puncturing to stimulate own healing factors that improves the skin texture.
  • Dermal fillers, adds volume to the inner skin layers and improves the appearance.
  • Laser resurfacing, fractional lasers target the middle layers of the skin and reduce the rolling scars.

Hypertrophic scars

  • Corticosteroid injections, to reduce the thickness and inflammation of the scars.
  • Silicone gel sheets, to soften and reduce the scar tissue.
  • Cryotherapy, freezes and shrinks the scar in the initial stages.
  • Laser treatment, lasers are projected on the skin to reduce the redness and thickness of the skin.

Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation

  • Topical brightening solutions typically contain vitamin c, niacinamide that helps in fading the dark spots.
  • Chemical peels, with glycolic or salicylic acid to exfoliate the skin.
  • Laser treatments to help treat the hyperpigmentation of skin and promote the overall texture.
  • Retinoids, to promote the cell turnover and lighten the scars.

How to prevent scarring? 

The ideal solution to prevent the scarring is consulting an expert dermatologist in the initial stages for optimal solution. Consult Dr. Health Clinic for reliable and advanced acne scar treatment in Bangalore. We offer various treatment options catered to the patient’s unique skin and scar type. Home remedies might be effective in the initial stages, however you may need professional advice. Here are various prevention tips that you can follow at home:

  • Acne is very sensitive, uses very delicate face washes and gently scrubs the face.
  • Do not forget to use sun protection every time you go outside, scars are more likely to darken with direct sun exposure.
  • Consult a dermatologist and use only recommended products, as other products may not be ideal to your skin type.
  • Avoid picking or popping the pimples; this is one of the main reasons behind the scarring.


All in all, acne scars can be challenging, but there are advanced treatment options available in the market. Consult Dr. Health Clinic in the initial stages of your acne scars and notice the difference with our advanced and reliable treatment options specially crafted for your skin type.

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Dr. Pranjal Shamsher is the first Skin Doctor in Bangalore to offer natural, non-surgical and non-invasive treatments for skin disorders. She is a Registered Medical Practitioner (Registration No A-6516) and a true pioneer in Skin-Friendly Treatments.

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Dr. Pranjal Shamsher is the first Skin Doctor in Bangalore to offer natural, non-surgical and non-invasive treatments for skin disorders. She is a Registered Medical Practitioner (Registration No A-6516) and a true pioneer in Skin-Friendly Treatments.