For a glowing skin you need to develop a healthy skin care routine. The most important part of skin care is using a good moisturizer as it can hydrate, moisturize and protect your skin from environmental pollution. A moisturizer is as essential to the skin as water is to the body. Consume fruits and vegetables instead of grease laden burgers, chips and junk food. Follow a good exercise programme like aerobics which can rejuvenate the skin by improving its blood circulation. Sleep well. There is no substitute for sleep if you want a great skin. Very few people are born with great skin; most of us have to constantly follow a routine to keep our skin radiant and glowing. It is also important to identify and treat skin problems early.

Dr. Pranjal Shamsher is the first Skin Doctor in Bangalore to offer natural, non-surgical and non-invasive treatments for skin disorders. With over 25 years of experience in the field Dermatology, Dr. Pranjal Shamsher has devised a unique Multi-Therapy approach involving the use of several therapies at the same, to treat the most stubborn, obstinate and long-standing skin disorders with a skin-friendly and 100% side-effect free results. Her integrated and Multi-Therapy approach has helped many chronic disease sufferers to recover safely without any side-effects.

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Dr. Shahid Shamsher is one of India’s first certified Trichologist practicing in the field of Trichology for 27 years and is recognized as one of the Best Hair Doctor in Bangalore. He is the only Trichologist in India to be simultaneously certified from the U.K, Australia, and India.