Pollution does play a contributory role in contaminating the skin. Pollution can worsen the already clogged pores on acne-prone skin and cause acne breakouts. Furthermore, by causing free radical damage; it causes the skin to lose elasticity and age prematurely. Heat, sweating, and sun exposure is an added trigger. The skin contamination gets worse in areas where there is heavy construction going on. Constant exposure to cement dust can cause the skin to become rough and dark.

To protect the skin against pollution, it is important for you to use a good cleansing and protecting regimen. A good cleanser includes soap or a face wash and an exfoliating facial scrub which can regularly de-clog the skin pores. A light moisturizer can help to keep your skin well hydrated. Use tan-removing face masks at regular intervals to prevent skin darkening. Add antioxidants to your diet. Use an umbrella or a scarf to physically protect your skin along with a broad spectrum sunscreen.

Stress is one of the most common acne triggers. When one is tensed, the body releases stress hormones including cortisol, which increases the oil secretion in turn causing acne. If the stress condition is short-lived, there is not much to do because these are episodic. But if the stressors are more chronic, such as a difficult marriage or unemployment etc then the patient may need to be put on anxiety relieving drugs or relaxation therapies along with a proper course of acne medication.

Dr. Pranjal Shamsher is the first Skin Doctor in Bangalore to offer natural, non-surgical and non-invasive treatments for skin disorders. With over 25 years of experience in the field Dermatology, Dr. Pranjal Shamsher has devised a unique Multi-Therapy approach involving the use of several therapies at the same, to treat the most stubborn, obstinate and long-standing skin disorders with a skin-friendly and 100% side-effect free results. Her integrated and Multi-Therapy approach has helped many chronic disease sufferers to recover safely without any side-effects.

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Dr. Shahid Shamsher is one of India’s first certified Trichologist practicing in the field of Trichology for 27 years and is recognized as one of the Best Hair Doctor in Bangalore. He is the only Trichologist in India to be simultaneously certified from the U.K, Australia, and India.