Q 1. I have read many of your articles which say that we should choose shampoo as per whether our scalp is dry or oily. But how can we know that?

You can know for yourself by performing a simple test called blotting paper test. This is how it’s done: – First, do not wash your head for 2 days in a row. Then get a simple blotting paper and press it against you scalp (not hair) with only your index finger, and hold it there for about 20 seconds. Remove the blotting paper and assess the size of wet patch on the blotting paper. If its size is negligible then you have a dry scalp. If the size is that of your finger tip or even bigger, then chances are you have an oily scalp.

Another way to assess the state of your scalp is to see how much you sweat. Generally people who sweat more or sweat easily also tend to have more oily scalps. Once you have understood your scalp type, following the correct hair care then becomes very easy. One of the pillars of right hair care is keeping it simple. Sometimes all you need to do is keep the scalp clean and cut down on the use of unnecessary products.  

Q 2. Does shaving the scalp repeatedly help in better hair growth?

I think this thought is based on the fact that many men shave their beard regularly and it keeps growing back every day. However it is a complete myth, there is no truth in this. Repeated shaving does not help at all, and in fact in the long run can cause decreased hair growth. You can however occasionally shave the scalp (1-2 times per year).

In fact what is much more useful than shaving the scalp is maintaining a certain constant length of hair, by repeating hair cuts at regular intervals. Not only does that help in controlling hair loss, you will find the hair grows better that way.

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Dr. Shahid Shamsher is one of India’s first certified Trichologist practicing in the field of Trichology for 27 years and is recognized as one of the Best Hair Doctor in Bangalore. He is the only Trichologist in India to be simultaneously certified from the U.K, Australia, and India.