Acnes and Pimples are of many types and sub-types. Each type of acne can have a different prognosis. Some acnes like the nodulocystic type are very destructive and may cause extensive scarring of the skin. Early treatment in such cases is paramount.
As per Harvard Medical School, treatment options for acne depend on the type and severity of acne. Sometimes, a person can suffer from multiple types of acne, like a mixed bag of acne. The treatment in such cases may vary and include more components as compared to the other types. Therefore, identifying the correct type of acne is key to successfully treating it.
Black Heads and White Heads
Blackheads and whiteheads are forms of acne. They are caused due to excess accumulation of oil and dead skin cells in the oil glands. The difference between a black head and a white head is simply whether or not the pore is open or closed. If the pore is open, the sebum or oil content comes in contact with oxygen in the air, gets oxidized and turns black which is also referred in American Academy of Dermatology Association. Thus it is called a blackhead. If the pore is closed, it’s a whitehead.
Blackheads, also known as open comedones, are follicles that have a wider than normal opening. They are filled with plugs of sebum, keratin, and sloughed-off cells and have undergone a chemical reaction resulting in melanin oxidation. This gives the material in the follicle the typical black color. Blackheads are often found on the nose.
Whiteheads, also known as closed comedones, are follicles that are filled with the same material as blackheads but have only a microscopic opening to the skin surface. Since the air cannot reach the follicle, the material is not oxidized and remains white.
Squeezing blackheads might seem very tempting, but it can cause infections and even scarring of the skin with tiny pits. Invasive methods of using sharp objects to scoop them out or scrubbing your face obsessively should be strictly avoided.
Teenage Acne Or Acne Vulgaris
Almost 70 percent of teenagers passing through puberty suffer from acne. This happens primarily because of the hormonal changes taking place in the body during puberty. However other factors like genetics, vitamin deficiency, stress and atmospheric pollution may also play a contributing role. The various triggers put together increase the oil production causing bacterial infection and acne breakouts.
The puberty acne comes up in various forms like whiteheads, blackheads, pus filled pimples or nodules. Other than the face, the acne can also come up on the chest, back and arms.
Studies have shown that acne in puberty is more severe in males as compared to females due to excessive production of androgen which is a male hormone. Left untreated, puberty acne can lead to irreversible scarring on the face. Thus early medical intervention is required before it can scar the person for life. As a leading skin clinic and having treated numerous cases of Acne Vulgaris successfully without any side-effects, Dr. Health Clinic has earned the reputation of being the best clinic for Acne Treatment in Bangalore.
Adult Acne or Nodulocystic Acne
Acne does not restrict itself to any age. More than age, it’s the skin type and genetic makeup of the oil glands that cause acne. Therefore if a person’s skin is oily and the oil glands are genetically more sensitive to various triggers like stress, hormones, pollution etc then acne can occur even at the age of 50 years. That is why waiting for acne to get better with time and age is not the right thing to do as in the process they may cause irreversible scars.
Adult acne is acne that has a late onset. Adults who have never had acne even as teenagers tend to suddenly breakout into painful, deep seated and inflamed acnes. The cysts either occur in isolation or in thick clusters on the face, neck, scalp, back, chest and shoulders. Adult acne is also called as the Nodulo cystic acne and is the most devastating form of acne because of its scar forming tendency.
As a leading skin clinic and having treated numerous cases of Cystic Acne successfully without any side-effects, Dr. Health Clinic has earned the reputation of being the best clinic for Acne Treatment in Bangalore.
Adult acne is triggered by stress, fluctuating hormones, hereditary factors, improper use of cosmetics etc. Apart from these triggers, adult acne can also be a warning sign of an underlying medical condition like polycystic ovarian disease in which case along with acne, there may be other symptoms like excessive facial hair, irregular periods and weight gain.
Acne Rosacea
Acne Rosacea is another common form of adult onset acne. When faced with certain triggers, there is a sudden increase in the blood flowing through the capillaries under the skin. This causes the blood vessels to become wider causing redness of the skin and the flushed appearance. It causes the facial skin to become very sensitive, blush easily and react to simple products like lotions or soaps.
Adults with this condition tend to have rosy cheeks with the slightest provocation, like after exercising, after a shower or during a bout of anger or excitement. As rosacea progresses, it may lead to rhinophyma, wherein the nose becomes red and enlarged with thick nodules.
As a leading skin clinic and having treated numerous cases of Acne Rosacea successfully without any side-effects, Dr. Health Clinic has earned the reputation of being the best clinic for Acne Treatment in Bangalore.
Persistent Acne
Most people regard acne as a cosmetic problem and do not attend to it in the early stage which is the main reason for it to become resistant with time. In such cases teenage acne can persist well into one’s 30s, 40s, and even 50s. This type of acne that does not clear by mid twenties is called Persistent Acne.
In the Persistent variety, the acne tends to form a pattern; it comes and goes no matter what you do. Persistent acne is an indication of a resistant bacterial infection thriving and multiplying under the skin. For treating Persistent acne it is necessary to eliminate bacteria but it is more important to get rid of the environment which helps them thrive. As a leading skin clinic and having treated numerous cases of persistent, chronic and long-standing cases of Acne successfully without any side-effects, Dr. Health Clinic has earned the reputation of being the best clinic for Acne Treatment in Bangalore.
Picking Acne can cause Acne Excoriée
Picking and squeezing acne happens by reflex to people who are anxious about their acne and want to recover from it as soon as possible. But it is the most unsanitary activity as it can push the infection deeper and cause permanent scarring of the skin, a condition called Acne Excoriee. It is common in young women and men who are very conscious of their looks.
The anxiety regarding the skin is so high that they unknowingly resort to picking at acne sometimes even before it appears on the surface. At the end of the day it is a bad habit and needs will-power and self-control to overcome it. Often in such cases, some counseling may be required to help the patient get out of the habit. In severe cases medication may be required to relieve the anxiety.
Obsessed with Acne – Acne Dysmorphia
Mild obsession with acne is normal during teenage years. It is the age where teenagers want to look their best and have a clear, flawless skin. However skipping college, becoming depressed and spending hours in front of the mirror picking at acne could be indications of a medical condition called Acne Dysmorphia.
With acne dysmorphia the person becomes fixated or obsessed about having a clear complexion. The person is often found gazing at the mirror for hours checking on the skin condition and obsessively checking for flaws. Even if the acne is mild, the person may think of them as awful and horrible and may desperately try to pick or squeeze out the acne, not realizing that it is causing harm to the skin. Mild cases of Acne dysmorphia can be treated with counseling or behavioral therapy. Severe cases may need medication. As a leading skin clinic providing the best Acne Treatment in Bangalore, Dr. Health Clinic has expertise in treating Acne Dysmorphia with a skin-friendly approach.
Acne Cosmetica
As the name suggests, Acne Cosmetica is triggered by the use of cosmetics especially the comedogenic ones. The thick pore-clogging ingredients block the pores causing bacterial infection and acne formation.
In such cases, identifying the pore-clogging product is important. If small bumps and whiteheads are found around the eyes, it could be eye cream or eye make-up that may be clogging the pores. If there are tiny breakouts scattered over the entire face, then it could be sunscreen or foundation that may need to be changed. The cosmetic in each of the above case tends to clog the pore making a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Identifying the cosmetic, stopping the use, cleaning the pores, eliminating bacterial infection and minimizing the use of cosmetics helps prevent relapses.
Body Acne
Body Acne is commonly found on the back, chest, neck, shoulders and thighs. Just like the facial skin, skin in the above areas has abundant hair follicles connected to sebaceous glands. So the same high rate of sebum production that causes facial acne can also clog pores in other areas and cause body acne.
The acne on the back takes several forms like blackheads, red pus filled boils, nodules and cysts which are painful and form deep under the skin surface. The back acne tends to be more severe than the face. This may be either due to improper skin care as the back is not very easily accessible for cleaning purposes or due to the fact that treatment is usually delayed as it is not an exposed area.
The breakouts are usually triggered due to excessive perspiration and friction on the back due to tight fitting clothes or backpacks. Some fabrics like lycra or nylon that fit close to the body can trap perspiration and contribute to acne. People who exercise in these fabrics are especially prone to it. Genetics and poor immunity can also make one more prone to body acne. Women usually experience body acne after hair removal methods like waxing. The most common hormonal trigger found in women is polycystic ovarian syndrome wherein the elevated androgen levels cause increased production of oil.
As a trusted skin clinic providing the best Acne Treatment in Bangalore, Dr. Health Clinic helps in formulating an individualized skin care regime to provide faster and better healing from acne.
Sweat Induced Acne
Body acne can also be caused due to sweating. This type of acne is medically termed as Pityrosporum Folliculitis. It is caused by a naturally occurring organism called pityrosporum fungus that feeds on human sweat and oil. If oil or sweat gets trapped for long hours or if there is excessive perspiration, the organism proliferates and causes infection resulting in acne bouts.
Pityrosporum folliculitis therefore appears in areas that perspire most like the chest, back, thighs, buttocks and arms. Tight fitting clothes, headbands, synthetic materials, collars and backpacks usually aggravate acne due to localization of sweat in certain areas. As the provider of the best Acne Treatment in Bangalore, Dr. Health Clinic helps you by formulating an individualized skin care regime, from advising you the right bath soaps and anti-antiperspirants to breathable fabrics and the right diet to keep your skin cool.
Beard Acne
While shaving by itself does not cause acne; using the wrong method to shave or using an improper blade can cause acne breakouts. These breakouts are seen as a result of inflammation in the hair follicle brought on by shaving.
The beard region is also prone to shaving bumps which are caused due to ingrowing hair. An ingrowing hair results because of a hair shaft deformity which makes the hair curl, penetrate back into the skin and get trapped there. The trapped hair gets infected causing a condition called Pseudofolliculitis Barbae. On the surface, it appears like tiny red bumps with a characteristic black dot (the trapped hair) in the centre.
On touching the skin feels rough & grainy like sand paper. This is seen in men on the beard area and in women on arms and legs. Any method of hair removal, shaving or waxing, that cuts the hair too short can cause it. For a close shave, men tend to shave in the opposite direction of the hair growth. This triggers acne as the close shave cuts the hair much below the skin surface. As the hair grows back, it tends to irritate the skin causing inflamed red bumps.
Sudden Onset Acne
At some point of time, almost all of us have experienced the sudden acne that comes up without any warning. And the timing is always bad. You have an event coming up and you want to look perfect for the event. But you wake up that morning and see a cluster of red blazing acne on your face and your world shatters!
Sudden acne breakouts are usually triggered by stress, hormones or indiscretions in food. Hormonal triggers include sudden rise in sugar levels, abnormal thyroid function or hormonal surges around menstrual cycles or ovulation. Foods like dairy products; sankranti specials like til and jaggery, rich heavy foods cooked with dry fruits and ghee are all sudden acne triggers.
If you or anybody you know suffers from sudden stressful bouts of acne, book your appointment today with Dr. Health Clinic, for the best Acne Treatment in Bangalore.
T-Zone Acne
The forehead, nose and the chin forms the T-zone on the face. Most people suffering from acne tend to have a combination skin with their T-zone being oily and the other areas being either dry or normal.
As the nose is a part of the T-zone, it tends to be oilier and therefore prone to clogged pores, whiteheads and blackheads. This further makes acne breakouts more common on the T-zone.