Not all acne cause scarring. In most cases, the skin heals with absolutely no trace of acne. Amongst the various types of acne, scarring is most commonly seen with Nodulocystic Acne.
When a person has an acne lesion with considerable infection, swelling and redness under the surface, the body attempts to ward off the infectious process by laying down fibrous or scar tissue to surround the area of infection and try to shrink it down. When this scar tissue forms under the surface it pulls down the overlying skin, thus causing a depression in the skin. In areas where the inflammation is much more severe, the scarring process may actually extend up to the surface causing a raised scar or a keloid, common on chest and back.
The acne scars are generally of 2 types –the depressed scars and the raised scars. The depressed scars are also called as ice pick scars and can be shallow or deep. The shallow ones can give the skin a typical wave-like appearance making it look old and loose. The deeper ones can be more deforming making the skin appear pitted. The raised scars are called keloids and can appear quite unsightly.
With years of experience in the field of Dermatology, Dr. Health Clinic prides itself in providing the most safe and non-invasive Acne Treatment in Bangalore, minimizing the risk of skin damage and scarring.