As a new mother, you may experience challenges alongside the joy of motherhood. One such challenge is postpartum hair loss, which can be distressing. However, this is a common occurrence and nothing to worry about. It typically happens around three months after childbirth and lasts for a few months. In this blog, we will discuss some gentle practices and treatments that new mothers can adopt to protect their hair during this time of transition. 

Postpartum hair loss

What is postpartum hair loss?

Postpartum hair loss also known as postpartum alopecia is a condition where women experience hair loss during or after pregnancy. It is normal to experience hair loss after giving birth. These changes are caused by hormonal variations that occur during and after pregnancy. This is due to a significant drop in estrogen levels, causing the hair to enter the resting phase of hair growth. This is basically temporary and should be resolved in a few months. 


There are various reasons that can cause hair loss after giving birth to a baby. Some of the most common causes are

  • Stress: Stress caused by hormonal changes and adapting to being a new mom can lead to hair fall.
  • Nutritional changes: Pregnancy can cause reduced appetite in some cases. This can cause nutrient deficiencies that are necessary for hair health leading to hair loss. 
  • Lack of sleep: Sleep deprivation is experienced by many women after the pregnancy and can cause hair fall. 


Stress management

  • Meditation, yoga, and other breathing exercises can help you maintain stress and lead a more peaceful lifestyle.
  • Stress is the main cause of hair fall, so managing it is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your baby. 

Balanced diet

  • Focus on maintaining a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and whole grains to support your hair health. 

Stay hydrated

  • Always stay hydrated by consuming water on a regular basis.
  • Drinking enough water not only helps you stay hydrated but also is essential for your hair and body health.  

Choosing the right shampoo and conditioner

  • Always choose mild and sulfate-free shampoos to avoid chemicals.
  • It is recommended to use conditioner to keep your hair silky, shiny, and manageable. 

Gentle washing technique

  • Gently massaging your head can help you avoid hair breakage.
  • Do not use hot water to clean your hair, instead use lukewarm or cold water for rinsing. 

Do’s and Don’ts

Gentle care: Treat your hair gently to minimize hair loss or hair breakage, by using a wide-toothed comb, and gentle hair care products. 

Use natural products: Regularly apply natural oils like coconut and almond oil to keep your hair healthy. 

Avoid harsh chemicals: Stay away from using harsh hair products that can have damaging effects on your hair. 

Don’t stress: It can be overwhelming sometimes, taking care of your hair and baby simultaneously. So make sure you make time to manage your stress. 

Heat Styling/ Drying: Excessive heat can damage your hair, so avoid styling or heat drying your hair during these times to control hair loss. 

Professional Hair Treatments

If the hair loss is persistent, consult with the best trichologist in bangalore immediately for suitable medical procedures. Medical treatments for the hair condition include:

  • Medication
  • After diagnosing your situation, the doctor might prescribe medicines that can slow down the hair loss and help promote new hair growth. 
  • These medications can be in the form of pills or creams that you apply directly to the scalp. 
  • Supplements 
  • The doctor might advise you to take vitamin and mineral supplements that can help increase your vitamin intake significantly and promote hair growth. 
  • These supplements are very powerful and effective and can help your hair become thicker and healthier. 
  • Micro-needling
  • Scalp micro-needling involves using a needle to puncture the scalp, which boosts its absorption capacity for externally applied vitamins and nutrients.
  • Scalp micro-needling is conducted in sessions, which are recommended by practitioners based on your scalp’s condition and health.
  • Hair transplant 
  • In some severe cases, you may consider a hair transplant.
  • This typically involves taking hair from other parts of the body and planting it where there is hair loss. 

When to consult a doctor?

Most of the postpartum hair issues are temporary and can be managed with gentle care, but there are situations where you might need professional help.

  1. Excessive hair loss: If you notice excessive hair loss that doesn’t improve with time, it is best to consult a dermatologist or a hair care professional. 
  2. Scalp issues: If you experience persistent itching, redness, or anything unusual scalp conditions, seek medical assistance immediately. 
  3. Allergic reactions: If you have any allergic reactions due to hair products, stop using them immediately and consult your doctor. 

New moms experiencing hair loss have various medical treatment options available to regain healthy and vibrant hair. It is essential that you consult a hair care professional at Dr. Health Clinic before starting or using any medical treatment or hair product. They can help you diagnose your situation, find the most suitable option for your specific hair situation, and guide you through the process. Prioritize your well-being, and with the right treatment and care, you can enjoy your motherhood with confidence and healthy hair. 

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Dr. Shahid Shamsher is one of India’s first certified Trichologist practicing in the field of Trichology for 27 years and is recognized as one of the Best Hair Doctor in Bangalore. He is the only Trichologist in India to be simultaneously certified from the U.K, Australia, and India.

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Dr. Shahid Shamsher is one of India’s first certified Trichologist practicing in the field of Trichology for 27 years and is recognized as one of the Best Hair Doctor in Bangalore. He is the only Trichologist in India to be simultaneously certified from the U.K, Australia, and India.