Trichologist Dr Shahid Shamsher, concludes in this is the fourth and last part of the series on male baldness in women.

Q. Often the reason for patient not believing that she has hereditary hair loss is that her father or mother lost hair only after middle age or old age, whereas she tends to have it in the 20’s. That creates doubts in the patients mind that some other factor also may play a role here.

A. Which is quite correct. There are often other factors which trigger off the onset of early baldness. Most notable factor is hormonal changes. Now there are two varieties of hormonal changes. One can be an outright hormonal disorder, notably diseases like PCOD and thyroid, which in fact can cause male baldness even in the absence of hereditary. But the other more poorly understood hormonal triggers are the normal hormonal variations which a women undergoes like post delivery, menopause etc. These are not hormonal diseases, but nonetheless often trigger off the hereditary hair loss which then tends to continue on its own, once the genetic mechanism is activated. Now if you see the data of many recently conducted medical studies, you will find an increasing incidence of women having disorders like PCOD and thyroid. One study showed that women are entering early stages of menopause (called as peri-menopausal) as much 10 years earlier than their mothers. With the increase in such hormonal conditions, it is therefore not surprising to also see increasing onset of baldness at younger ages. Let me end by this quoting a very interesting study. This study which was carried out in the fishes in South China Sea, an area highly polluted with pesticides, revealed a shocking fact. Most male fishes either had completely lost, or were in the process of losing, most of their male characteristics and there were a high number of female fishes. The study concluded that many male fishes were simply converting into female fishes and this was believed to be due to high chemical content in the water there. This is how adverse environmental changes can lead to a host of hormonal problems, leading to early and premature changes in the body.

Dr Shahid Shamsher is a leading Trichologist certified from UK, Australia & India. Practicing since 27 years in the field of Trichology, even today he consults every patient personally himself rather than leave it to assistants. He can be reached on 080 42067474 / 75.

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Dr. Shahid Shamsher is one of India’s first certified Trichologist practicing in the field of Trichology for 27 years and is recognized as one of the Best Hair Doctor in Bangalore. He is the only Trichologist in India to be simultaneously certified from the U.K, Australia, and India.

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Dr. Shahid Shamsher is one of India’s first certified Trichologist practicing in the field of Trichology for 27 years and is recognized as one of the Best Hair Doctor in Bangalore. He is the only Trichologist in India to be simultaneously certified from the U.K, Australia, and India.